torsdag 8. juli 2010

First post!

my first blog entry, woohoo.... :p

last night Christine came home with me, to spend the night (høhø) we fell asleep pretty fast, BUT this morning we did alot ^^
even went for a walk in the WooOoods :D

Awesome breakfast ^^ watermelon and strawberries ♥

cool beetle ♥

nasty stuff on the tree ....
Christine is guarding the gateways to ..hell? :p
we met sheep :D
and cooows :p yeah... i live in the countryside..
strawberry plants!
♥ Woods ♥The name of this flower.... is... Veronica :D how cool is that ^^ hihi
rabu rabu ♥♥

I iz jumping :D waaah
aaand a bumble bee
I made awesome dinner ^^ smoked salmon and stuff, with scrambled eggs, potato, sour cream and salad ♥ and had to make fried chicken with chips for my sister.. since she doesent like fiiiishyfishy ^^ yay

1 kommentar:

  1. Nei så fin blogg du har ;D *kos kos* Tur og kyr og sau, woohoo!
