torsdag 19. august 2010

Day 2!

Haha! One of the first things that "met us" on the second day was this:

Yngve, after banging his forhead on the door frame, says..What the FUCK happened last night? -.o hahaha aaand thats the last time we saw him, befor he went back home :p

Jørgen doing a pose in his new dress.. !

Christine has arrived!

The boys are having a good time! hirr hirr ♥

My newest friend :D Cute, right? ^^

Brotherly looove

Alruna, THE cutie of the night ♥

lovely coupple

haha! way to go Frank!

we are showing off our MAD skillz ;D

Pretty lady #1 ♥

Pretty lady #2 ♥

Brides and grooms dancing ^^ ♥

Cutting the cake :D Caaaake ♥

Cutie Darcy ^^

Frode at his best :D


and at "the end" lol, Vegard showed up! wohoo, look at us being all pretty and stuff

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